Frequently Asked Questions
What are the office hours?
The office hours vary depending on counselor and location. The office phone has voicemail or is answered when possible Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm unless staff is in session. Voicemail available for messages at 979-446-0343, and WCS would then get back as soon as possible.
Do you have any late office hours?
Appointments are made on an individual basis, and every effort is given to meet the need of the clients. Late appointments may be discussed.
What are the fees?
Wells Counseling Services offers rates that are reasonable and competitive with the state average. The first session is often an initial assessment for a reduced fee. Below is a drop-down listing of fees:
Level of Counselor: Initial Session Fee | On-Going Sessions (Individual or Marriage & Family)
Practicum Student Counselor: Initial: $50 | On-going: $50/$50
Counseling Associates (LPC- Associate or LMFT-Associate): Initial: $75 | On-going: $75
Full Licensed Counselor (LPC or LMFT): Initial: $75 | On-going: $145
Clinical Director, Supervisor or Ph.D. Level Counselor: Initial: $170 | On-going: $170
Group Sessions (per person): Initial: curriculum cost | On-going: $50
Effective March 17,2025
Do you take insurance?
David Wells is current the only provider on these insurance panels: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas and Tri-West. The VA can set up Tri-West referrals.
Regarding other providers, our practice provides documentation optimally configured for clients to submit to their insurance for a reimbursement of a percentage of the fees if the insurance company reimburses for out-of-network providers. Just phone your insurance provider to check what their out-of-network provider reimbursement policy is.
Services may be covered in full or in part by your health insurance or employee benefit plan. Credentialing is per provider.
Please check your coverage by asking the following questions before scheduling:
What are my mental health insurance benefits?
What is my deductible and has it been met?
How many sessions per year does my health insurance cover?
What is my coverage per therapy session?
Is approval required from my primary care physician?
What, if any, is the required copay?
What else do I need to know about payments and cancellations?
Payments are to be made at the time or prior to the time the therapist renders the services.
Cancellations must be received at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment; otherwise, YOU will be charged the full session fee for that missed appointment. You are responsible for calling or visiting the portal to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Please contact us or go to the secure client website area if you would like to cancel or reschedule.
No-shows and cancellations are billed at the full session rate. Consistently missed appointments (barring bona fide emergencies) or failure to complete counseling homework assignments on a regular basis may result in the termination of the counseling relationship. If your counselor must cancel an appointment, efforts will be made to notify you as soon as possible through the method indicated on the intake form.
Good Faith Estimate Notice
Under Section 2799B-6 of the Public Health Service Act, the “No Surprise Act,” you have a right to receive a “good faith estimate” explaining how much your therapy service will cost. Healthcare providers are required to provide clients who do not have insurance or who choose not to use their insurance for therapy services with an estimate of the cost of those services.
You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total cost of therapy services
Make sure your therapist gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least one business day before appointment. You may also ask your therapist for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an appointment.
If receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate you can dispute the bill.
Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.
For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or call HHS @ 1.800.985.3059.
How long do the sessions normal last?
Most sessions will last between 45-53 minutes. Some initial or psychosocial assessments can be scheduled for 90 minutes. Contact the office by phone or email if you have further questions.
How long does treatment typically last and how often?
Duration of treatment varies with each situation. Treatment can be effective within the first several weeks. For more intense concerns, the length of treatment can extend for longer periods of time. Frequency of treatment varies with each individual as well. However, several general guidelines are suggested. Weekly appointments are recommended at first, primarily to gain relational comfort and consistency then things can be adapted according to goals and depending on the unique needs of the individual.
Do you refer to psychiatrist or prescribe medication?
We are able to provide a list of several trusted, outstanding psychiatrist for when referrals are necessary, we also prefer to communicate with the psychiatrist as a team during treatment.
No, we do not prescribe medication, that is done exclusively by psychiatrists or medical doctors.
How do I pay for the service?
At the time of the appointment, we do require a fee due. Fee may be paid for with Cash, Check or Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Diner’s Club or Discover). Wells Counseling Services sends an invoice which can be paid prior to the session through the portal if you desire to save time, or your fees can be paid at the session itself and are due upon the time of the scheduled appointment. FSA and HSA cards are also accepted.
It is imperative that the therapist refrains from any other type of dual relationship with you. Personal and/or business relationships undermine the effectiveness of the therapeutic relationship. Gifts over $50, bartering, and trading services are not appropriate and should not be shared between you and the therapist.